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Wells Fargo (WFC) Keeps $750M-$1B of Severance Cost in Q4 2023 https://www.zacks.com/stock/news/2195102/wells-fargo-wfc-keeps-750m-1b-of-severance-cost-in-q4-2023?cid=CS-ZC-FT-analyst_blog|company_news_-_finance_sector-2195102 Dec 07, 2023 - Wells Fargo (WFC) puts aside $750 million to less than $1 billion for severance expenses in the fourth quarter of 2023.
Wells Fargo (WFC) Aided by Cost Control, Hurt by Lower Revenues https://www.zacks.com/stock/news/2192524/wells-fargo-wfc-aided-by-cost-control-hurt-by-lower-revenues?cid=CS-ZC-FT-analyst_blog|zer_report_update-2192524 Dec 01, 2023 - Wells Fargo's (WFC) cost-saving measures, like branch closures and headcount reduction, will help offset falling revenue trends due to volatile fee income and NII decline.

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